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ÖKOPUR Air Fresh Room Air Hygiene
excl. VAT zzgl. Versandkosten
Indoor air sanitizer and odor eliminator without alcohol
ÖKOPUR Air Fresh is suitable for disinfection of indoor air and odor elimination and without alcohol. It is a spray solution with bactericidal, levurocidal and virucidal effect.
Did you know that …
People who are allergic to house dust often have these problems because mite feces are contained in it. The proteins contained in the feces are often the actual reason for the allergic reactions such as coughing, runny nose, watery eyes as well as shortness of breath and much more.
But hardly to believe, but already 5 gram dust create it that in it up to approx. 70,000 mites feel well.
If there are also crawling children in the household who sit and play a lot on the floor, the dust should be given a special fight.
The fine mist enriches the dry air with moisture and at the same time disinfects and binds the dust.
Ready-to-use solution for spraying. No wiping required.
No classification as hazardous substance according to CLP regulation (EC) 1272/2008.
ÖKOPUR Air Fresh does not contain any of the following additives:
- Alcohol
- Dyes
- Preservatives
- Fragrances
- Solvents or similar
There are no known incompatibilities.
See safety data sheet
Check material compatibility!
We accept no liability in the event of improper use!
Store ÖKOPUR Air fresh products at room temperature and in a dark place. Protect from direct sunlight and UV light. Store out of reach of children. Return empty packaging to the collection of recyclable materials.
Shelf life:
The expiration date can be found on the container. It is essential to observe the storage instructions. Use within 90 days after opening.
Areas of application
ÖKOPUR Air Fresh can be used in public institutions, is suitable for all occupational groups and can thus contribute preventively to the reduction of sick days.
- Public service and authorities
- in hospitals, at the doctor’s or non-medical practitioner’s, at therapists …
- in the care of the elderly or in nursing homes
- in hotels or vacation apartments
- in gastronomy and restaurants
- in buildings or premises with air conditioning
- in beauty salons, tanning salons or at the hairdresser’s
- in schools or day care centers
- in the office/workplace as well as in the private study
- in the kitchen, bathroom, living room, children’s room, bedroom or guest room
Active ingredients
Active chlorine released from hypochlorous acid: 0.10g/1000ml,
BAuA-No.: N-98282,
Product type: 2
Note: Use biocidal products with care. Always read label and product information before use. Translated with (free version)