Innovative disinfection concepts:
Infection control in public and private life.
The coronavirus pandemic triggered a new awareness among the population. The common formula – keep your distance, observe hygiene, and wear a mask in everyday life – has helped to reduce a general risk of infection.
Since the coronavirus will continue to concern us all in the long term, it is even more important to minimize possible infection risks in the future. Disinfection products will become essential in the minimization of risks.
These disinfection products are designed to contain the dangers posed by the coronavirus and many other pathogens. With the right ingredients, this is possible. Unfortunately, many disinfectants contain toxic ingredients that can be carcinogenic, lung-damaging, and allergenic, according to the Hamburg Environmental Institute and other experts. The supposed protection becomes a danger.
We have a highly efficient and omnipotent disinfectant in our portfolio, that works without alcohol or other harmful ingredients.
The solutions from VIRODIS can be used in many applications in daily life to reduce infection risks sustainably and safely.
Safety at the POS:
DS-19 disinfection system
For REWE Heidelberg, VIRODIS designed and developed a fully automated system for disinfecting shopping cart handles and hand disinfection for customers. Our non-alcoholic disinfectant safely disinfects the contact surfaces and ensures pleasant compatibility on the skin. The non-contact operation of the system guarantees the best protection and safety for customers before, during and after shopping.
- Easy application due to fully automatic, touch-free operation
- No cross contamination
- Easy placement of the shopping cart
- Disinfection of handles and hands
- Short duration of the disinfection process
- Diverse and targeted advertising possibilities due to integrated monitor and advertising space
Easy to use:
Highest reliability:
VIRODIS hand and surface disinfection
We are changing disinfection and hygiene worldwide through a specially designed production process and the resulting unique active ingredient.
Our products offer comprehensive and proven safety – in a sustainable form and without alcohol. Our active ingredient quickly and effectively destroys viruses, bacteria, and fungi without the development of related resistances on the skin, surfaces, objects, and equipment as well as in rooms and in water.
We provide gentle hygiene of hands and surfaces and ensure germ-free room air as well as germ-free water.
- On a non-alcoholic basis
- No explosion protection necessary
- Short contact time
- High efficiency
- Biodegradable and environmentally friendly
- Almost neutral ph range
- Different containers and applicators available