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Decon Jet Basic B2
990,00 € excl. VAT, excl. shipping
excl. 19% VAT zzgl. Versandkosten
Stationary ULV fogger for maintaining a continuous post-disinfection.
For rooms up to 1.000m3
- Operation purely electric without compressor
- Flexible spray arms
- Weight 3kg
- Connection 100-240V/50/60Hz, 200W
- Tank volume: 28 liters
- Max. nebulization volume: 2200ml/h
- Touch panel and remote control
- LCD display shows temperature and humidity
- Humidity and time setting
- Night mode
- 3 different fogging levels
- Interval fogging setting
- Whisper quiet operation with adjustable nebulization levels
- Automatic shut-off when the water tank is empty